This factsheet is for people who have warts or verrucas, or who would like information about them.

Warts are small, rough growths caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Any area of the skin can be affected, but warts are most commonly found on the hands, feet and face. Warts on the sole of the feet are known as verrucas and are also caused by HPV.

  • About warts and verrucas
  • Symptoms of warts and verrucas
  • Causes of warts and verrucas
  • Diagnosis of warts and verrucas
  • Treatment of warts and verrucas
  • Special considerations
  • Prevention of warts and verrucas

About warts and verrucas

Up to one in 10 people will have a wart at some point in their life, most commonly in childhood or adolescence. Warts and verrucas are usually harmless but are annoying as they may cause pain during weight bearing.

Different types of warts vary in appearance and size, ranging from 1mm to 1cm. The following are some common examples of different types of wart.

Common wart (verruca vulgaris)

These are firm, raised growths with a rough surface, which might look like a very small cauliflower. They are most commonly found on the backs of your hands, fingers, toes and on your knees.

Verruca (plantar wart)

These are usually found on the soles of your feet. They may have dark spots in the centre and may cause you pain when you put weight on them.

Plantar Warts
Plantar Warts at the sole of the foot

Plane wart (verruca plana)

These are round, smooth, flat growths often slightly brown in colour. They are common on your face and hands.

Mosaic wart

These are usually a number of verrucas packed together in a small area, often on your hands and feet.

Filiform wart

These are long, slender growths common on your face and neck.

Symptoms of warts and verrucas

You may find warts uncomfortable or painful, especially if they are on your feet near your nail beds.

Contact your doctor if your symptoms get worse or the wart becomes more painful.

Causes of warts and verrucas

Warts are caused by HPV, of which there are over 100 different types. Warts can be contagious, but the risk of you catching them is low. Warts usually spread from direct skin contact or in damp places, commonly in swimming pools and communal showers. If you scratch a wart, the viral particles may spread to other areas of your skin.

If you’re a butcher, handle meat or work in an abattoir, you may be more likely to develop warts, although the reasons for this are unclear.

People who have a weakened immune system, such as those who have HIV/AIDS, or those who are taking medicines that suppress the immune system, are more likely to develop warts and verrucas.

Diagnosis of warts and verrucas

If you’re worried about your wart or verruca, visit your doctor. He or she will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. He or she may also ask you about your medical history. Your doctor will try to diagnose which type of wart or verruca you have by its appearance.

Treatment of warts and verrucas

You may want to consider treatment if the wart becomes painful, unsightly or doesn’t go away after some time.

If you’re not sure whether your growth is a wart, see your doctor.

Surgical removal may be recommended in certain circumstances, especially if your wart is stopping you from doing your daily activities.

Prevention of warts and verrucas

Warts and verrucas are usually caused by direct skin contact or contact with contaminated surfaces.

Taking the following precautions can help prevent warts and verrucas.

  • Try not to touch other people’s warts.
  • Don’t share your towels, shoes or socks with someone who has a wart.
  • Wear flip-flops in communal showers.
  • Cover your wart with a plaster or glove.
  • Don’t scratch or pick your wart as it is more likely to spread.

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