Morton's Neuroma

What is Morton’s Neuroma?

Morton’s Neuroma is a benign soft tissue mass that forms on the nerve which runs between the metatarsals and the ball of the foot. When the two metatarsal bones rub together, they squeeze the nerve that runs between them. This repeated squeezing, or repeated injury to the nerve, causes the nerve to swell, and eventually a benign mass occurs at the site of the repeated injury.

Morton's Neuroma
Morton’s Neuroma

Symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma?

There is pain in the ball of the foot radiating to the adjacent toes. Neuromas can form between all of the metatarsal heads and toes, however the most commonly affected area is between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads and toes. The pain can be sharp, burning, or tingling in nature. The pain is usually present only when wearing shoes in particular narrow dress shoes and gradually goes away after the shoes are removed.

What are the Causes?

Common factors that contribute to Morton’s neuroma are injuries to the foot, wearing high-heeled shoes or shoes that are tight and athletic activities such as jogging that may subject the feet to repetitive trauma.

What are the Treatments?

Treatment will depend on the severity of Morton’s neuroma. Common treatment options include pain medication, arch supports, padding and taping of the foot, wearing well-fitting shoes, avoiding high heels and surgery.

Morton’s Neuroma Specialist

Dr Mathew Tung

Dr Mathew Tung Neurosurgeon

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