How is Neck Pain Treated?

The type of treatment will depend on whether your neck pain is caused by activities, an injury, or another medical condition. Most neck pain can be treated conservatively with no surgery.

  • Anti-inflammatory medicine and Muscle Relaxants – This is the first line of treatment for painful neck.
  • Cortisone injection – Helps to reduce the inflammation. Suitable for pain in a localised area.
  • Physiotherapy – Ultrasound and traction can be applied to reduce the neck pain symptoms.
  • Surgery – Rarely done. If your pain is caused by a medical problem, such as pressure on the spinal nerve roots, a tumor, or narrowing of the spinal canal, surgery is probably an alternative.
Neck Pain
Neck Pain

What is Neck Pain?

Neck pain is common and can occur anywhere in your neck, from the bottom of your head to the top of your shoulders. Neck pain can also spread to your upper back or arms and may limit your movement of your head and neck.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Most neck pain is caused by activities that strain the neck. Slouching or sleeping with your neck twisted are some actions that can cause neck pain. These kinds of activities can lead to neck strain, a sprain, or a spasm of the neck muscles.

Neck pain can also be caused by an injury or other medical problems.

Common Neck Pain Condition

  • CERVICAL RADICULOPATHY –  Sometimes referred to as a “pinched” nerve.
  • CERVICAL SPINAL STENOSIS  Narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck.
  • WHIPLASH – Whiplash from a car accident can cause neck pain.

What are the Symptoms for Neck Pain?

You may feel tightness, stiffness, or severe pain in your neck. The pain may spread to your shoulders, upper back, or arms. You may get a headache. You may not be able to move or turn your head and neck as normal. If there is pressure on a spinal nerve root , you might have pain that shoots down your arm. You may also have numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm.

How is Neck Pain Diagnosed?

During the physical examination, our specialist will check the range of movement of your neck. He will look for signs of tingling sensation or numbness in your arms or hands.

Our neck specialist may refer you for and X-ray or MRI scans to check the neck’s soft tissues, nerves, spinal discs and ligaments. The result of this scans will provide an in-depth view of your neck.

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