
What is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are a type of bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. MRSA is different from other types of bacteria because it cannot be treated with certain antibiotics such as methicillin.

Staph bacteria can cause MRSA infection. MRSA infections are more difficult to treat because common antibiotics are not able to kill the bacteria. If the bacteria is not controlled, the skin will get an infection. It is important to treat early for skin infection.

What causes an infection?

MRSA, like all staph bacteria, can be spread from person to person. These infections often occur in wounds or skin.

What are the symptoms of MRSA?

The main symptoms of MRSA are:

Foot Cellulitis
Cellulitis Caused By Bites
Wound Infection Caused By Bites

It is important to seek our specialist’s attention immediately if you notice the above symptoms.

How is an infection diagnosed?

If our specialist thinks that you are infected with MRSA, he will take a sample of swab from your infected wound (if there is a wound) and send to the lab for finding out the bacteria and to test and see what types of antibiotics can kill the bacteria.

How is an infection treated?

Depends the extent of the infection, our specialist may treat by:

  • Oral antibiotics
  • IV (intravenous) antibiotic
  • Small surgical procedure called incision and drainage if all other treatments fail

If you are prescribed an antibiotic, it is important to complete the course even if the symptoms subside. It is important to complete the antibiotic to ensure ALL the bacteria is killed.

You need to observe closely regarding the infection, if the swelling and redness do not subside or getting worse, you have to seek specialist’s attention immediately.
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