Knee Osteoarthritis Anatomy

Knee pain is one of the most common complaints in our active population, with cartilage damage or degenerative joint disease being one of the main causes. The US Center for Disease Control has noted an increasing incidence, with almost one third of patients over 65 years of age suffering from osteoarthritis. This is significant considering the size of the ageing population today.

What is Knee Pain due to Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis Knee

Knee pain due to osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that results in a gradual wearing away of joint cartilage.

Knee pain due to osteoarthritis may cause damage to the cartilage resulting in loose bodies that may be found in the knee joint.

Loose bodies found in the knee joint
Loose bodies found in the knee joint

Symptoms due to Knee Pain Osteoarthritis Diagnosed?

A common symptom is morning stiffness that decreases with use. The knee may also pop of click, or even lock up at times.

Xray of the Osteoarthritis Knee
Xray of the Osteoarthritis Knee
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Osteoarthritis of the Knee

What are the Knee Pain Osteoarthritis Treatments?

Treatments include lubricant injections, pain-reducing medicines, anti-inflammatory medicine and exercises to strengthen the knee.

Surgery may be required in the more problematic cases such as to remove loose bodies are which are causing the knee to lock up, or knee replacement for the more severe cases.

Knee Pain Osteoarthritis Treatment Specialist

Dr Kevin Yip

Dr Kevin Yip Orthopaedic Surgeon Gleneagles Singapore

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