What is synovitis?

Your joints are held together by a “capsule” of tissues and ligaments. The innermost tissue of the capsule is a membrane called the synovium.

The synovial membrane secretes a clear fluid called synovial fluid that lubricates joint surfaces and provides the cartilage with nutrients. Sometimes this capsule becomes inflamed. The result is the painful condition called synovitis.

Here’s what happens when synovitis occurs:

  • Disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis) or injury causes white blood cells to move from your blood stream into your synovium
  • The synovium cells grow and divide abnormally. Fluid collects as the synovium becomes thickened and inflamed
  • The synovial cells release enzymes
  • The enzymes may eventually destroy joint cartilage and bone, as well as surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons

What causes synovitis? Who’s at Risk?

Synovitis is associated with certain diseases that raise the risk of inflammation. They include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect parts of the body including the joints
  •  gout, a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints of the body, causing inflammation, swelling, and pain

Synovitis can also be caused by injury to the joints, which respond with inflammation. Sometimes, the cause is unknown.

How is Synovitis diagnosed and Treated?

Warm, swollen joints can be an indicator of synovitis. Your joints may be painful both at rest and with movement. If synovitis is suspected, our doctor may withdraw a sample of your synovial fluid from the joint to send to a laboratory to test for infection or the crystals that indicate gout.

Treatment depends on the cause of the synovitis. It is likely to include anti-inflammatory medications or injections.

In some cases, our doctor may recommend surgical removal of the inflamed synovium. If appropriate, the surgery may be the minimally invasive surgery called arthroscopic surgery, for e.g. knee arthroscopy or shoulder arthroscopy.

What can I except long term?

Conservative treatment with anti-inflammatories may help symptoms and give your joint a chance to heal. Individuals with long-lasting synovitis, including individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, may need further care.

Synovitis Specialist

Dr Kevin Yip

Dr Kevin Yip Orthopaedic Surgeon Gleneagles Singapore

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