Brief Outline of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

IlioTibial Band

Iliotibial band syndrome is excessive compression or friction of the iliotibial (IT) band over the greater trochanter at the hip joint, and the lateral condyle at the knee joint. This friction causes inflammation, which can be very painful whenever the knees and hips flex or extend, because it crosses over these bony prominences.

Anatomy and physiology

The iliotibial band is a non-elastic collagen cord stretching from the pelvis to below the knee. It is attached to the iliac crest at the top, blends with the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus muscles, and descends down to attach to Gerdy’s tubercle on the lateral proximal tibia. The deep fibres attach to the linea aspera of the femur on the lateral side of the thigh. The tensor fasciae latae flexes, abduts, and medially rotates the hip joint, and stabilises the knee. If the iliotibial band becomes inflamed due to excessive irritation from the friction crossing over the bone, it will cause pain and tightness, possibly leading to bursitis.

Cause of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Compression or friction of the iliotibial band. Repetitive hip and knee flexion and extension wihle the tensor fascae latae is contracted, such as with running. Tight tensor fasciae latae and iliotibial band. Muscle imbalances.

Signs and symptoms of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Knee pain over the lateral condyle. Pain with flexion and extension of the knee.

Complications if left Iliotibial Band Syndrome unattended

The iliotibial band, and accompanying tensor fasciae latae become tight due to the pain and inflammation. If left unattended this can lead to chronic pain and injuries to the knee and/or hip.

Orthopaedic Specialist Treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Dr Kevin Yip Orthopaedic Surgeon Gleneagles Singapore

Dr Kevin Yip

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